Mobile Fee is $30
Additional Mileage fees beyond the first 19 miles are as follows:
20-29 miles $20
30-49 miles $30
50-69 miles $50
70+ miles $70
PLEASE NOTE: If you are late or will be late, I will wait for you for 15 minutes. After the first 15 minutes have passed, you will be charged $10 for every 15 minute increment.
Document Fees $15 PER SIGNER SIGNATURE. Each signature is $15 on the document. Please note that it is for each signature being notarized Individual or each Spouse. If the documents have witnesses each witness signature is $15.
IF your documents require witnesses Please be sure to have the witnesses present at the signing. Witnesses can not be in the documents, (heirs, or those taking roles as Personal Representative, Agent, or Attorney in Fact.
Some of the most common documents notarized are as follows, but I do more than what is listed
I-9 Forms for employment for other companies. $45 Flat Rate
Last Will and Testament $30 + Mobile
Power of Attorney for Finances and/or Medical
General/Durable Without Witnesses $15
General/Druable With Witnesses $45
Health Care Directive $45
Living Trust Single Person $75
Living Trust Couple $175
Body Donation (Anatomical Gifts) $15
Estate Package:... These packages are usually prepared by a lawyer, or legal professional or legal services companies and generally include the above documents and more.
Estate Package Single person $130 to $160
Estate Package Married Couple $200 to $240
Foreign Travel of Minor 1 Parent $15, Both Parents $30+ Mobile
Marriage Applications $30+ Mobile
Home/Escrow: (Flat Rate unless specified)
Home Purchase with Loan $175 (Please allow for 1.5 to 2 Hours to complete signing)
Land Purchase with Loan $175 (Please allow for time)
Re-Financing Packets $175 (Please allow for time)
Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) $175 TO $200
Home Sales No Loan $110 Flat Rate
Land Sales No Loan $110 Flat Rate
Other Real Estate Documents (Travel Fee + $15 per signer)
Court Documents: (Travel Fee + $15 per signer)
Satisfactory of Judgements
Other Documents (Travel Fee + $15 per signer)
Bill of Sale
Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest (vehicles)
Proof of Life
Pension Disbursement Form
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